April 30, 2009

All is well

Yes, I couldn't sleep and got up at 1 am to waste a pee stick. Obviously it was negative. AF isn't due until tomrrow, but even if she doesn't show as scheduled I doubt I am pregnant. I have zero symptoms and I am a very early sore-boobs-and-morning-sickness girl. That is how I knew I was pregnant before. Morning sickness. So far: None.

I have a feeling that AF will show up while I'm all dressed up at my friend's wedding this weekend. Of course.


Aunt Becky said...

Hate those stupid negatives. Hate them a lot.

Raising Davis Darlings said...

Keep positive okay? Your positive will come!!!

Jen said...

Your BFP will come, and I will do a happy dance for you when it does...and my happy dance is not cute :)
