April 28, 2009


I am doubtful that I am pregnant. There I said it. I have been batteling a vicious cold the past few days so I couldn't tell you what I'm feeling and why. I have blue veins on my ta-tas, but I couldn't tell you if that is from pregnancy or because my girls are all plumped up from PMS. Also, like my friend Aunt Becky mentioned, I am blessed with darkening of the nipples during pregnancy. You'll be happy to know my nipples are still a lucious pink. Leading me to believe I am not with child. All I can do is wait and see. Aunt Flo is due on Friday, and I think I will pee on a stick with my first morning pee tomorrow. You will be the first to know. Seriously. I'll probably post it on here before I even tell my husband.

1 comment:

Raising Davis Darlings said...

Each pregnancy is different, so you may not show signs of pregnancy until the 8th week. I didn't have any signs at all! I must have taken like 10 tests. The test that say it can tell if you are pregnant 5 days before your missed period does not work (didn't for me anyway) The day of when I was to start my period was the day the test came out positive. So don't count yourself out yet!!!