April 23, 2009

Blue Boobs?

Last time I was pregnant I didn't find out for a while. I had what I thought was my period at the regular time. I had no idea I was pregnant. I felt sick for days, I was tired. I kept thinking "This flu is killing me!" It wasn't until I went Christmas shopping with my son. We stopped to eat, and as soon as I ate I had to go home. I felt so sick I thought I was going to throw up right in the restaurant. I went home and immediatly feel asleep. I woke up around 10 at night! I laid in bed, and thought to myself "The last time I felt like this I was pregnant". Then a light bulb went off! I dug out my old pregnancy book, and took a look. One of the signs listed was blue veins on your boobs. I looked into the mirror, and about shit my pants! I had the bluest boobs I've ever seen! I knew then and there that I was pregnant. I even ran to the store at 11 at night to get a test. Took it in the store bathroom, and couldn't belive it. First positive pee stick I've ever had. So this time around I'm watching my boobies like they are going out of style. I keep checking them to see if they turned blue yet.

I think I'm loosing my mind.

1 comment:

Aunt Becky said...

That's the worst thing about pregnancy. The weirdest symptoms can be attributed to it.

So bring on the blue boobies!

My nipples always turn brown when I get pregnant. Hot, I know.