April 4, 2009

Hello, again!

If you are reading this chances are you already know our story. I have another blog that is all about the journey back after my baby girl was stillborn. After much thought, I've decided to TTC again. I don't know how it's going to work out, but I am very hopeful I will be blessed with a pregnancy, and that it will result in a living, breathing baby and I will come out OK. I'm not telling my family and friends because I don't want them to freak out. But, I am telling you, my bloggy friends (who I love)! You've been there for the whole journey so far, I want you to be part of this also. Yesterday was the first day of our journey. Here goes nothing...


Kristi said...

Your "name" cracks me up! Love it and you know that I am behind you 100% :)

Jen said...

YEAH!!!! I'm so glad that you guys have decided to TTC...it took me a second to figure out who fertile myrtle was, but then a lightbulb went off and I have goosebumps!

Gosh, I hope we both get our BFP around the same time so that we can do our PARs together!

I'm so happy! huge ((hugs))


Infertile Myrtle said...

That would be AWESOME!