April 10, 2009

I got caught!

Today I was shopping for baby clothes (great sales again!) and I ran into somone I know! Eeek! I was holding newborn girl clothes in my hand!!!! I made up an excuse about a babyshower (there is one but I'm so not going!). I caught her looking at my purchases out of the corner of her eye! I really hope she doesn't put two and two together. The people in my life are not in favor of our trying for another baby. They don't think it's worth the risk.

I'm loosing a little of my hope. I think all of the loss in babyland has gotten to me. I keep hearing terrible stories, and more and more moms are joining us. I just am getting very nervous about it... But, I'm keeping the faith and praying that this month is out month.

Wouldn't it be amazing if we got pregnant on the first try?

1 comment:

Erica said...

Awwwe... well don't worry what others think. We are pregnant again, and announced it, but having some very serious complications again and I keep getting the "Wow, I can't believe you tried again- tell me this it it, you are getting your tubes tied right?" Sometimes I think people just don't get it...